Koventrieren. El bombardeo de Coventry
The bombing of Coventry

El 14 de noviembre de 1940, quinientos bombarderos alemanes cruzaron el mar del Norte para bombardear Coventry, en el Reino Unido. Murieron 568 personas y destruyeron 70000 de los 75000 edificios de la cuidad que quedó en ruinas. Debido a este bombardeo se creó una nueva palabra en el lenguaje alemán: «koventrieren», que significa aniquilar o arrasar.

On November 14, 1940, five hundred german bombers crossed the North sea to bomb Coventry, in the Britain. 568 people were killed and they destroyed 70000 of the 75000 buildings of the city, that were all in ruins. Based on this bombing, a new word was created in german language: «koventrieren», that means annihilate or devastate.

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