Rasputín, su muerte y su pene
Rasputin, his death and his penis

Para matar a Rasputín y según su propio asesino, comenzó con pasteles y vino cargados de cianuro. Esto pareció no afectarle mucho, por lo que le disparó en el pecho y le dió con su bastón (de plomo) en la cabeza. Después fue arrojado al río Neva. Donde murió ahogado. Antes de esto, le había cortado el pene, que aún hoy se conserva, y que parece ser tan grande como la resistencia de su amo.

To kill Rasputin and based in his own killer, he began with cakes and wine full of cyanide. This seemed not to affect so much to him, so the killer shot him in the chest and hit Rasputin’s head with his stick (of lead) in the head. After all this, he was thrown to river Neva. Where he died drowned. Before all this, he had cut his penis, that still is conserved, ant that it seems to be so big as the endurance of his owner.

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